There are 4.5 million individuals that call the Bluegrass State home. More than 63,000 lane miles of pavement help connect 120 counties not to mention the bridges, waterways, cargo hubs, backroads, and so much more that help meet the needs of our fellow Kentuckians. Whether that's safe routes to school, reliable broadband internet service, fast delivery of goods or access to recreational waterways, the needs of Kentuckians are wide ranging. It's vital our transportation system accommodates these diverse needs as they evolve. One way we're doing that is with a new user-friendly, performance management tool: KY TRAK.

KY TRAK provides access to quality data at the local and state level, allowing district leaders, subject matter experts, and state leadership to work together to identify the projects and operations that will make a difference in local communities.

Together, we're keeping Kentucky on TRAK to meet the needs of our residents and communities -- today and in the future.

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